Polo グッズ、あります。
季節に合わせた(ストリートホッケー用ではない)ポロ専用のボールや世界最軽量で高い耐久性を誇るMILKのマレット・ヘッド、Northern Standardの軽量シャフト等、各種ポロ用グッズ、THBPでも少量ですが取り扱っております。

Northern Standardの日本仕様シャフトも今なら未だ在庫あります。製造終了品の為、次回入荷ありません。購入ご希望の方はTHBPか、秋田のS Arrow Akitaさん迄お問い合わせ願います。

THBPではメーカーの開発担当でもある世界各国のポロ・プレイヤー達と日々情報交換を行い様々なノウハウを共有しています。MILKやNorthern Standard、Fixcraft製品等に関する質問や取り寄せにも対応していますのでお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。


After the earthquake / 20th, Mar. at Komazawa park

After the earthquake / 20th, Mar. at Komazawa park
After the earthquake / 20th, Mar. at Komazawa park
After the earthquake / 20th, Mar. at Komazawa park

10 days have passed since earthquake hit the northeastern part of Japan. Last weekend, we got together for the first time to play polo since the quake.
We celebrated Tommy's birthday. New & old players hang out and enjoyed polo in the nice spring weather until sunset.

It made me realize how much we all really craved the play time together.

Polo players in Tokyo and the surrounding Kanto area didn't suffer much damage from the disastrous quake and have been living comfortably compared to people in the northeastern part of Japan. Even then, we can hardly relax with the continual aftershocks and disquieting news on the radio & TV. Our lives revolve around the planned power outage. Life has definitely changed since the quake.

With the power outage, we can no longer hold our wednesday night practice in Komazawa park. We don't know how long it'd be before we get the light back in the park. Chiba hard court bike polo people lost their practice space because of the liquefaction sand and the cracks from the quake.

In a minor sense, we might be experiencing a disaster aftershock.

It will be awhile before we can fully recover and feel assured, but we cannot stop our lives for fear. To get together next weekend and spend our valuable time together, we have to stay focused and live our lives one step at a time.

translated by Maki.








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