Polo グッズ、あります。
季節に合わせた(ストリートホッケー用ではない)ポロ専用のボールや世界最軽量で高い耐久性を誇るMILKのマレット・ヘッド、Northern Standardの軽量シャフト等、各種ポロ用グッズ、THBPでも少量ですが取り扱っております。

Northern Standardの日本仕様シャフトも今なら未だ在庫あります。製造終了品の為、次回入荷ありません。購入ご希望の方はTHBPか、秋田のS Arrow Akitaさん迄お問い合わせ願います。

THBPではメーカーの開発担当でもある世界各国のポロ・プレイヤー達と日々情報交換を行い様々なノウハウを共有しています。MILKやNorthern Standard、Fixcraft製品等に関する質問や取り寄せにも対応していますのでお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。


Why do we need colors?

color balls for bike polo
color balls in night games

The balls finally arrived!

Since the earthquake, we were unable to use our usual practice space. Due to the nuclear power plant accident, many of lights at public parks have been turned off to conserve energy.

Unfortunately, the park we practice at is no exception. There is not enough light and asphalt ground doesn't help either. Orange balls and red balls are difficult to see under the dim light, especially with the shadows of the players hovering over the ball. Easier to see yellow balls and glow in the dark balls are made for colder weather and cannot withstand the Tokyo temperature this time of the year.

We decided to order these balls because we could hardly have a satisfactory practice under these circumstances. (even though they were a little more expensive than importing Franklin balls).

Its size, weight, and material are pretty similar to that of Franklin's Super High Density balls, with the added bonus of multiple color variations. (When we tried it, it felt a little harder than Franklin balls.)

I have done a load of research prior to purchase, but ordering anything from overseas without seeing the actual product is a gamble. I knew it all well, but I had to take a chance to combat the visibility issues we faced. Bright colored balls with good nighttime visibility was something we couldn't pass up. (deep colored balls are included in this set of 6 assorted colored balls, but they are sold only as sets.)

So, we've tried the balls in a park at night. The white and yellow balls are definitely easier to see than the red and orange ones. I think it was a good purchase for us, Tokyo players.

For the rest of Japan with better lighted environments, I wouldn't necessarily recommend them since Mylec orange balls and Franklin SHD balls are cheaper. I think it is definitely a good option for people practicing under a challenging environment though.

translated by Maki Hojo.




サイズ、重さ、材質、いずれもFranklinのSuper High Densityボールと同等でカラーバリエーションあり、という仕様です。(実際に使ってみた感覚だとほんのちょっとだけ、Franklinのボールより硬いかなという感じでした。)




1 件のコメント:

  1. Have you tried glow in the dark fluorescent balls?

    We played a short exhibition game in Finland during the winter with only flashlights for light and you couldn't see a thing. Every time you'd hit the orange ball it would vanish into the darkness. And then the ball burst into plastic pieces because of the cold (-25c).

    I have a short video from it

    Anyway. All the best and I hope you get your lights back soon. I enjoy reading your blog so keep it up!
